Write about photography is my passion, but unfortunately is not always easy to constantly update the blog.
Looking for new talents, update, prepare the articles, are all tasks that take a long time.
So I thought to refer directly to the photographers that follow this blog.
If you would like to see your work published here do not hesitate to contact me.
The best would be to send your material together with an article describing your photos in order to create a space for discussion.
What I ask is not a treatise on photography, but simply your personal observations about photography.
For example you can imagine an article written by answering simple questions like:
"How did you start with photography?", "Where this shot comes from?", and so on...
The Hidden Room is a blog/magazine written essentially in italian but articles in english are planning.
Some simple rules for sending material:
- Photos must be in a good resolution - at least 800px long side - and packed in an archive .Rar or. Zip
- The text must be sent in .doc, txt, etc., avoiding the PDF format because before being published, the text must be formatted again.
Obviously, text and photos will be posted with the copyright of the owner.
In return I can offer good visibility to your works with curators, art galleries, photographers as well as all regular readers of this blog.
You can contact me at this address: info@thehiddenroom.it or leaving a comment below.
Thank you.
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